# GnuCash Installation Role

## Overview
This Ansible role is responsible for installing GnuCash, a free and open-source financial management software, on systems utilizing the Pacman package manager. It's particularly useful for setting up GnuCash in a Linux environment with minimal manual intervention.

## Role: pc-gnucash
The `pc-gnucash` role ensures that GnuCash is installed and maintained at its latest available version in the Pacman repositories.

## Requirements
- Target systems should be running a Linux distribution that uses the Pacman package manager.
- Ansible should be installed and configured on the system initiating the playbook.

## Role Tasks
- `main.yml`: The main task file that handles the installation of GnuCash.

### Task Details
- **Install GnuCash**: This task uses the `community.general.pacman` module to install GnuCash from the Pacman repositories.

## Usage
To use this role, include it in your playbook and run the playbook using the Ansible command. Ensure that your target systems are accessible and properly configured for Ansible automation.

## Example Playbook
An example of how to use this role in your playbook:

- hosts: your_target_group
    - pc-gnucash

## Author Information
This role was created by [Kevin Veen-Birkenbach](https://cybermaster.space).