- name: Check if the SSH key for root already exists
    path: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
  register: ssh_key

- name: Generate a SSH key for root if it does not exist
    path: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
    type: rsa
    size: 4096
  when: not ssh_key.stat.exists and run_once_user_root is not defined

- name: Display the public SSH key
  command: cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  register: public_key
  when: not ssh_key.stat.exists and run_once_user_root is not defined

- name: Output the public SSH key
    msg: "{{ public_key.stdout }}"
  when: not ssh_key.stat.exists and run_once_user_root is not defined

- name: run the user_root tasks once
    run_once_user_root: true
  when: run_once_user_root is not defined