services: phpldapadmin: image: leenooks/phpldapadmin:{{ldap_admin_version}} logging: driver: journald restart: {{docker_restart_policy}} ports: -{{http_port}}:8080 environment: # @See APP_URL: https://{{domain}} LDAP_HOST: openldap openldap: image: bitnami/openldap:{{ldap_version}} logging: driver: journald restart: {{docker_restart_policy}} ports: -{{ldap_localhost_port}}:{{ldap_localhost_port}} # Expose just on localhost so that nginx stream proxy can use it -{{ldap_secure_localhost_port}}:{{ldap_secure_localhost_port}} # Expose just on localhost environment: # @See # GENERAL LDAP_ADMIN_USERNAME: {{ldap_administrator_username}} # LDAP database admin user. LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD: {{ldap_administrator_password}} # LDAP database admin password. #LDAP_USERS: user01,user02 # Comma separated list of LDAP users to create in the default LDAP tree. Default: user01,user02 #LDAP_PASSWORDS: password1,password2 # Comma separated list of passwords to use for LDAP users. Default: bitnami1,bitnami LDAP_ROOT: {{ldap_root}} # LDAP baseDN (or suffix) of the LDAP tree. Default: dc=example,dc=org LDAP_ADMIN_DN: {{ldap_admin_dn}} LDAP_PORT_NUMBER: {{ldap_localhost_port}} # Route to default port # TLS LDAP_ENABLE_TLS: no # Using nginx proxy LDAP_LDAPS_PORT_NUMBER: {{ldap_secure_localhost_port}} # Port used for TLS secure traffic. Priviledged port is supported (e.g. 636). Default: 1636 (non privileged port). volumes: - {{cert_mount_directory}}:/certs:ro - 'data:/bitnami/openldap' healthcheck: test: > ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost:389 -b "{{ldap_root}}" -D "{{ldap_admin_dn}}" -w "{{ldap_administrator_password}}" interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 3 start_period: 20s {% include 'templates/docker/container/networks.yml.j2' %} {% include 'templates/docker/compose/volumes.yml.j2' %} data: {% include 'templates/docker/compose/networks.yml.j2' %}