import os import sys import logging as std_logging # Use the standard logging module from sphinx.util import logging # Sphinx logging is used elsewhere if needed from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from .nav_utils import natural_sort_key, extract_headings_from_file, group_headings, sort_tree, MAX_HEADING_LEVEL, DEFAULT_MAX_NAV_DEPTH # Use standard logging to set the level based on command-line args. logger = std_logging.getLogger(__name__) if any(arg in sys.argv for arg in ["-v", "--verbose"]): logger.setLevel(std_logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(std_logging.INFO) DEFAULT_MAX_NAV_DEPTH = 4 def postprocess_current(nodes, current_file, current_anchor): """ Recursively process the tree nodes in post-order. If a node or any child node matches the current file and anchor, mark that node as current. Returns True if the current subtree contains a current node. """ found_in_subtree = False for node in nodes: # Process children first (post-order) child_found = False if 'children' in node and node['children']: child_found = postprocess_current(node['children'], current_file, current_anchor) # Get the file and anchor for the current node, trimming trailing slashes and whitespace. node_file = node.get('link', '').rstrip('/') node_anchor = node.get('anchor', '').strip() # Debug: output the current node's values and the comparison values. logger.debug("Checking node: text=%s, link=%s, anchor=%s", node.get('text', ''), node_file, node_anchor) logger.debug("Comparing with current_file=%s, current_anchor=%s", current_file.rstrip('/'), current_anchor.strip()) # Mark node as current if it exactly matches the current file and anchor. if node_file == current_file.rstrip('/') and node_anchor == current_anchor.strip(): node['current'] = True logger.debug("Node '%s' marked as current (exact match).", node.get('text', '')) found = True else: node['current'] = child_found if child_found: logger.debug("Node '%s' marked as current (child match).", node.get('text', '')) if node['current']: found_in_subtree = True return found_in_subtree def add_local_file_headings(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): logger.debug("add_local_file_headings called with pagename: %s", pagename) srcdir = app.srcdir directory = os.path.dirname(pagename) abs_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, directory) if not os.path.isdir(abs_dir): logger.warning("Directory %s not found for page %s.", abs_dir, pagename) context['local_md_headings'] = [] return # Get only files with .md or .rst extensions. files = [f for f in os.listdir(abs_dir) if f.endswith('.md') or f.endswith('.rst')] # If an index file is present, remove any readme files (case-insensitive). files_lower = [f.lower() for f in files] if '' in files_lower or 'index.rst' in files_lower: files = [f for f in files if f.lower() not in ['', 'readme.rst']] file_items = [] for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(abs_dir, file) headings = extract_headings_from_file(filepath, max_level=MAX_HEADING_LEVEL) basename, _ = os.path.splitext(file) # Set priority: index gets priority 0, otherwise 1. priority = 0 if basename.lower() == 'index' else 1 for heading in headings: file_link = os.path.join(directory, basename) file_items.append({ 'level': heading['level'], 'text': heading['text'], 'link': file_link, 'anchor': heading['anchor'], 'priority': priority, 'filename': basename }) tree = group_headings(file_items) sort_tree(tree) logger.debug("Generated tree: %s", tree) # Determine current file and anchor. # This implementation assumes that if an anchor is present, it is appended to pagename as "#anchor". if '#' in pagename: current_file, current_anchor = pagename.split('#', 1) else: current_file, current_anchor = pagename, '' logger.debug("Current file: %s, Current anchor: %s", current_file, current_anchor) # Postprocess the tree: bubble up the 'current' flag from children to parents. if current_anchor: postprocess_current(tree, current_file, current_anchor) else: logger.debug("No anchor provided; skipping current marking.") logger.debug("Final tree after postprocessing: %s", tree) context['local_md_headings'] = tree def setup(app): app.add_config_value('local_nav_max_depth', DEFAULT_MAX_NAV_DEPTH, 'env') app.connect('html-page-context', add_local_file_headings) return {'version': '0.1', 'parallel_read_safe': True}