# License Agreement ## Definitions - **"Software":** Refers to *"[CyMaIS - Cyber Master Infrastructure Solution](https://cymais.cloud/)"* and its associated source code. - **"Commercial Use":** Any use of the Software intended for direct or indirect financial gain, including but not limited to sales, rentals, or provision of services. ## Provisions 1. **Attribution of the Original Licensor:** In any distribution or publication of the Software or derivative works, the original licensor, *Kevin Veen-Birkenbach, Email: [license@veen.world](mailto:license@veen.world), Website: [https://www.veen.world/](https://www.veen.world/)* must be explicitly named. 2. **Restrictions on Commercial Use and Profit Sharing:** - The Software may not be used commercially without an express license from Kevin Veen-Birkenbach. - All profits and revenues generated directly or indirectly from the use or distribution of the Software are owed 100% to Kevin Veen-Birkenbach unless a separate licensing agreement is made. - Any commercial exploitation without a corresponding licensing agreement with Kevin Veen-Birkenbach is prohibited. 3. **Service Limitations:** Services that use or are based on the Software may only be offered or performed with a license from Kevin Veen-Birkenbach. 4. **Process for Licensing Inquiries:** For inquiries regarding a commercial use or service license, please contact Kevin Veen-Birkenbach at the above-mentioned email address. 5. **Consequences of Non-Compliance:** Non-compliance with these license terms may result in legal action, including but not limited to injunctions and claims for damages. 6. **Disclaimer:** Use of the Software is at your own risk. The Licensor assumes no liability for any damages that may arise from the use of the Software. 7. **Ownership of Rights:** All rights, including copyright, trademark, and other forms of intellectual property related to the Software, belong exclusively to Kevin Veen-Birkenbach. ## Consent By using, modifying, or distributing the Software, you agree to these terms.