--- - name: "include docker-compose role" include_role: name: docker-compose - name: "include role nginx-domain-setup for {{application_id}}" include_role: name: nginx-domain-setup - name: Create {{domain}}.conf if LDAP is exposed to internet template: src: "nginx.stream.conf.j2" dest: "{{nginx.directories.streams}}{{domain}}.conf" notify: restart nginx when: applications.ldap.openldap.network.public | bool - name: Remove {{domain}}.conf if LDAP is not exposed to internet file: path: "{{ nginx.directories.streams }}{{ domain }}.conf" state: absent when: not applications.ldap.openldap.network.public | bool - name: create docker network for LDAP, so that other applications can access it docker_network: name: central_ldap state: present ipam_config: - subnet: "{{ networks.local.central_ldap.subnet }}" - name: "copy docker-compose.yml and env file" include_tasks: copy-docker-compose-and-env.yml - name: "create {{docker_compose.directories.env}}phpldapadmin.env" template: src: "phpldapadmin.env.j2" dest: "{{docker_compose.directories.env}}phpldapadmin.env" mode: '770' force: yes notify: docker compose project setup when: applications.ldap.webinterface == 'phpldapadmin' - name: "create {{docker_compose.directories.env}}lam.env" template: src: "lam.env.j2" dest: "{{docker_compose.directories.env}}lam.env" mode: '770' force: yes notify: docker compose project setup when: applications.ldap.webinterface == 'lam' - name: flush docker service meta: flush_handlers - name: "create directory {{ldif_host_path}}" file: path: "{{ldif_host_path}}" state: directory mode: 0755 - name: "Create LDIF files at {{ ldif_host_path }}" template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ ldif_host_path }}/{{ item | basename | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}" mode: '770' loop: "{{ lookup('fileglob', '{{ role_path }}/templates/ldif/*.j2', wantlist=True) }}" notify: Import LDIF files - name: Force LDIF files import command: /bin/true notify: Import LDIF files when: applications.ldap.force_import | bool