version: "3.7" networks: frontend: backend: volumes: {% if not enable_central_database %} database: {% endif %} data: x-op-restart-policy: &restart_policy restart: unless-stopped x-op-image: &image image: openproject/community:${TAG:-13} x-op-app: &app <<: [*image, *restart_policy] environment: OPENPROJECT_HTTPS: "${OPENPROJECT_HTTPS}" OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME: "${OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME}" OPENPROJECT_HSTS: "${OPENPROJECT_HSTS:-true}" RAILS_CACHE_STORE: "memcache" OPENPROJECT_CACHE__MEMCACHE__SERVER: "cache:11211" OPENPROJECT_RAILS__RELATIVE__URL__ROOT: "${OPENPROJECT_RAILS__RELATIVE__URL__ROOT:-}" DATABASE_URL: "${DATABASE_URL}" RAILS_MIN_THREADS: ${RAILS_MIN_THREADS:-4} RAILS_MAX_THREADS: ${RAILS_MAX_THREADS:-16} # set to true to enable the email receiving feature. See ./docker/cron for more options IMAP_ENABLED: "${IMAP_ENABLED:-false}" volumes: - "data:/var/openproject/assets" {% if not enable_central_database %} - "database:/var/openproject/pgdata" {% endif %} services: {% if not enable_central_database %} {% include 'templates/docker-postgres-service.yml.j2' %} {% endif %} networks: - backend cache: image: memcached <<: *restart_policy networks: - backend proxy: <<: [*image, *restart_policy] command: "./docker/prod/proxy" ports: - "${PORT}:80" environment: APP_HOST: web OPENPROJECT_RAILS__RELATIVE__URL__ROOT: "${OPENPROJECT_RAILS__RELATIVE__URL__ROOT:-}" depends_on: - web networks: - frontend volumes: - "data:/var/openproject/assets" {% if not enable_central_database %} - "database:/var/openproject/pgdata" {% endif %} web: <<: *app command: "./docker/prod/web" networks: - frontend - backend depends_on: {% if not enable_central_database %} - database {% endif %} - cache - seeder labels: - autoheal=true healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8080${OPENPROJECT_RAILS__RELATIVE__URL__ROOT:-}/health_checks/default"] interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 start_period: 30s autoheal: image: willfarrell/autoheal:1.2.0 volumes: - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" environment: AUTOHEAL_CONTAINER_LABEL: autoheal AUTOHEAL_START_PERIOD: 600 AUTOHEAL_INTERVAL: 30 worker: <<: *app command: "./docker/prod/worker" networks: - backend depends_on: {% if not enable_central_database %} - database {% endif %} - cache - seeder cron: <<: *app command: "./docker/prod/cron" networks: - backend depends_on: {% if not enable_central_database %} - database {% endif %} - cache - seeder seeder: <<: *app command: "./docker/prod/seeder" restart: on-failure networks: - backend