# PC-Bluray-Player-Tools Role ## Overview Welcome to the `pc-bluray-player-tools` role, a part of the `computer-playbook` repository. This role is dedicated to setting up software required for Blu-ray playback on personal computers. It focuses on installing necessary packages to enable the use of Blu-ray media with VLC player and other compatible software. ## Role Contents The `main.yml` file in this role consists of tasks that automate the installation of the following packages: 1. **Install VLC and Blu-ray Software**: - `vlc`: A versatile media player that supports Blu-ray playback. - `libaacs`: A library for Blu-ray disc encryption handling. - `libbluray`: A library for Blu-ray disc playback support. There are commented-out tasks for installing additional AUR packages, such as `aacskeys` and `libbdplus`, which can be enabled as per the user's requirements. ## Further Information and Resources For more in-depth information and guidance on Blu-ray playback and software configuration, the following resources can be consulted: - [Arch Linux Wiki on Blu-ray](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Blu-ray#Using_aacskeys) - [Guide to Play Blu-ray with VLC](https://videobyte.de/play-blu-ray-with-vlc) - [Manjaro Forum Discussion on Blu-ray UHD Playback](https://archived.forum.manjaro.org/t/wie-kann-ich-bluray-uhd-abspielen/127396/12) - [FV Online DB](http://fvonline-db.bplaced.net/) ## Dependencies This role depends on the `java` role, which ensures the Java runtime is available – a requirement for certain Blu-ray playback tools and functionalities. ## Prerequisites - **Ansible**: Ansible must be installed on your system to use this role. - **Arch Linux-based System**: Designed for Arch Linux distributions, using the `pacman` package manager. ## Running the Role To utilize this role: 1. Clone the `computer-playbook` repository. 2. Navigate to the `roles/pc-bluray-player-tools` directory. 3. Execute the role using Ansible, with appropriate permissions for installing packages. ## Customization You can customize this role by enabling or adding additional tasks for other AUR packages related to Blu-ray playback as needed. ## Support and Contributions For support, feedback, or contributions to enhance the role's capabilities, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the `computer-playbook` repository. Contributions that improve Blu-ray playback support or compatibility are highly appreciated.