# PC-Gnome Role ## Overview Welcome to the `pc-gnome` role, a key part of the `cymais` repository. This role is dedicated to setting up and configuring the GNOME desktop environment on personal computers. ## Role Details The `pc-gnome` role includes several tasks for installing GNOME software, managing GNOME extensions, and customizing the GNOME desktop experience: 1. **Install Gnome Software**: - Installs essential GNOME packages such as `gnome-shell-extensions`, `gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng`, and `gnome-terminal` using the `community.general.pacman` module. 2. **GNOME Activate Extensions**: - Enables user extensions in GNOME using the `gsettings` command. 3. **GNOME Set Favorite Apps**: - Customizes the favorite applications on the GNOME shell using the `gsettings` command and the `{{favorite_apps}}` variable. 4. **Pull CLI GNOME Extension Manager Script**: - Clones or updates the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script from a Git repository. 5. **Warn if Repo is Not Reachable**: - Displays a warning message if the repository for the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script is not reachable. 6. **Execute CLI GNOME Extension Manager Script**: - Runs the CLI GNOME Extension Manager script to manage GNOME extensions based on the `{{gnome_extensions}}` variable. ## Further Information For additional details on managing GNOME extensions via command line, visit [Ask Ubuntu](https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029376/how-do-i-enable-and-disable-gnome-extensions-from-the-command-line). ## Dependencies This role depends on: - **pc-git**: Ensures Git is installed for cloning repositories. - **pc-caffeine**: A supplementary role that may include tools or configurations complementing the GNOME setup. ## Purpose and Usage The `pc-gnome` role is ideal for users who prefer the GNOME desktop environment and wish to automate its setup and customization. It's especially useful for setting up a new system or reconfiguring GNOME after a system update. ## Prerequisites - **Ansible**: Must be installed to use this role. - **Arch Linux-based System**: The role uses the `pacman` package manager, indicating it's designed for Arch Linux or similar distributions. ## Running the Role To use this role: 1. Clone the `cymais` repository. 2. Navigate to the `roles/pc-gnome` directory. 3. Run the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the necessary permissions for installations and configurations. ## Customization You can customize this role by modifying the GNOME software packages, favorite apps, and GNOME extensions in the respective tasks. ## Support and Contributions For support, feedback, or contributions, such as adding more GNOME-related configurations or tools, open an issue or submit a pull request in the `cymais` repository. Contributions that enhance the GNOME environment setup are highly encouraged.