# PC-Developer-Tools-Bash Role ## Overview This README accompanies the `pc-developer-tools-bash` role within the `cymais` repository. This role is dedicated to equipping personal computers with essential tools for Bash scripting and development. ## Role Contents The `main.yml` file under the `pc-developer-tools-bash` role includes tasks focused on installing Bash development tools: 1. **Install Bash Developer Tools**: - This task leverages the `community.general.pacman` module to install: - `shellcheck`: A static analysis tool for shell scripts, which helps in identifying and correcting common errors or issues in Bash scripts. ## Dependencies This role is dependent on: - **pc-developer-tools**: Ensures that foundational developer tools are in place, providing a base environment for further specialized toolsets like Bash development tools. ## Purpose and Usage The `pc-developer-tools-bash` role is specifically tailored for developers who frequently work with Bash scripting. ShellCheck, the main tool installed by this role, is invaluable for writing robust, error-free shell scripts. This role is ideal for system administrators, DevOps professionals, and anyone involved in script-based automation or Linux-based development. ## Prerequisites - **Ansible**: You need to have Ansible installed on your system to use this role. - **Arch Linux-based System**: The role utilizes `pacman`, thus it is best suited for Arch Linux or similar distributions. ## Running the Role To execute this role: 1. Clone the `cymais` repository to your machine. 2. Navigate to the `roles/pc-developer-tools-bash` directory within the repository. 3. Run the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the necessary permissions to install software packages. ## Customization The role can be customized by adding additional Bash development tools or utilities as per the user's requirements in the `main.yml` file. ## Support and Contributions For support, feedback, or contributions (like adding more tools relevant to Bash development or enhancing the setup), please open an issue or submit a pull request in the `cymais` repository. Contributions that improve the Bash development environment are highly appreciated.