--- galaxy_info: author: "Kevin Veen-Birkenbach" description: "Manages the generation and handling of an SSH key for the root user. This role ensures secure remote access by generating a new RSA 4096-bit key pair if one does not exist, and displays the public key for further use." license: "CyMaIS NonCommercial License (CNCL)" license_url: "https://s.veen.world/cncl" company: | Kevin Veen-Birkenbach Consulting & Coaching Solutions https://www.veen.world min_ansible_version: "2.9" platforms: - name: Linux versions: - all galaxy_tags: - ssh - root - administrator - security - user - configuration repository: "https://s.veen.world/cymais" issue_tracker_url: "https://s.veen.world/cymaisissues" documentation: "https://s.veen.world/cymais"