- name: Ensure {{nginx.directories.global}} directory exists file: path: "{{nginx.directories.global}}" state: directory owner: "{{nginx.user}}" group: "{{nginx.user}}" mode: '0755' when: run_once_nginx_global_css is not defined and global_theming_enabled | bool - name: Deploy global.css from template template: src: global.css.j2 dest: "{{global_css_destination}}" owner: "{{nginx.user}}" group: "{{nginx.user}}" mode: '0644' when: run_once_nginx_global_css is not defined and global_theming_enabled | bool - name: Get stat for global.css destination file stat: path: "{{ global_css_destination }}" register: global_css_stat when: run_once_nginx_global_css is not defined and global_theming_enabled | bool - name: Set global_css_version to file modification time set_fact: global_css_version: "{{ global_css_stat.stat.mtime }}" when: run_once_nginx_global_css is not defined and global_theming_enabled | bool - name: Mark global css tasks as run once set_fact: run_once_nginx_global_css: true when: run_once_nginx_global_css is not defined