# Homeserver details.
    # The address that this appservice can use to connect to the homeserver.
    address: http://synapse:8008
    # The address to mautrix-wsproxy (which should usually be next to the homeserver behind a reverse proxy).
    # Only the /_matrix/client/unstable/fi.mau.as_sync websocket endpoint is used on this address.
    # Set to null to disable using the websocket. When not using the websocket, make sure hostname and port are set in the appservice section.
    websocket_proxy: wss://synapse:8008
    # How often should the websocket be pinged? Pinging will be disabled if this is zero.
    ping_interval_seconds: 0
    # The domain of the homeserver (also known as server_name, used for MXIDs, etc).
    domain: {{matrix_server_name}}

    # What software is the homeserver running?
    # Standard Matrix homeservers like Synapse, Dendrite and Conduit should just use "standard" here.
    software: standard
    # Does the homeserver support https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2246?
    async_media: false

# Application service host/registration related details.
# Changing these values requires regeneration of the registration.
    # The hostname and port where this appservice should listen.
    # The default method of deploying mautrix-imessage is using a websocket proxy, so it doesn't need a http server
    # To use a http server instead of a websocket, set websocket_proxy to null in the homeserver section,
    # and set the port below to a real port.
    port: null
    # Optional TLS certificates to listen for https instead of http connections.
    tls_key: null
    tls_cert: null

    # Database config.
        # The database type. Only "sqlite3-fk-wal" is supported.
        type: sqlite3-fk-wal
        # SQLite database path. A raw file path is supported, but `file:<path>?_txlock=immediate` is recommended.
        uri: file:mautrix-imessage.db?_txlock=immediate

    # The unique ID of this appservice.
    id: imessage
    # Appservice bot details.
        # Username of the appservice bot.
        username: imessagebot
        # Display name and avatar for bot. Set to "remove" to remove display name/avatar, leave empty
        # to leave display name/avatar as-is.
        displayname: iMessage bridge bot
        avatar: mxc://maunium.net/tManJEpANASZvDVzvRvhILdX

    # Whether or not to receive ephemeral events via appservice transactions.
    # Requires MSC2409 support (i.e. Synapse 1.22+).
    # You should disable bridge -> sync_with_custom_puppets when this is enabled.
    ephemeral_events: true

    # Authentication tokens for AS <-> HS communication. Autogenerated; do not modify.
    as_token: "This value is generated when generating the registration"
    hs_token: "This value is generated when generating the registration"

# iMessage connection config
    # Available platforms:
    # * mac: Standard Mac connector, requires full disk access and will ask for AppleScript and contacts permission.
    # * ios: Jailbreak iOS connector when using with Brooklyn.
    # * android: Equivalent to ios, but for use with the Android SMS wrapper app.
    # * mac-nosip: Mac without SIP connector, runs Barcelona as a subprocess.
    platform: mac
    # Path to the Barcelona executable for the mac-nosip connector
    imessage_rest_path: darwin-barcelona-mautrix
    # Additional arguments to pass to the mac-nosip connector
    imessage_rest_args: []
    # The mode for fetching contacts in the no-SIP connector.
    # The default mode is `ipc` which will ask Barcelona. However, recent versions of Barcelona have removed contact support.
    # You can specify `mac` to use Contacts.framework directly instead of through Barcelona.
    # You can also specify `disable` to not try to use contacts at all.
    contacts_mode: ipc
    # Whether to log the contents of IPC payloads
    log_ipc_payloads: false
    # For the no-SIP connector, hackily set the user account locale before starting Barcelona.
    hacky_set_locale: null
    # A list of environment variables to add for the Barcelona process (as NAME=value strings)
    environment: []
    # Path to unix socket for Barcelona communication.
    unix_socket: mautrix-imessage.sock
    # Interval to ping Barcelona at. The process will exit if Barcelona doesn't respond in time.
    ping_interval_seconds: 15
    # Should media on disk be deleted after bridging to Matrix?
    delete_media_after_upload: false


# Segment settings for collecting some debug data.
    key: null
    user_id: null

    identifier: null
    message: null
    response_message: null
    key: null
    echo_mode: false
    send_on_startup: false
    periodic_resolve: -1

# Bridge config
    # The user of the bridge.
    user: "@you:example.com"
{% raw %}
    # Localpart template of MXIDs for iMessage users.
    # {{.}} is replaced with the phone number or email of the iMessage user.
    username_template: imessage_{{.}}
    # Displayname template for iMessage users.
    # {{.}} is replaced with the contact list name (if available) or username (phone number or email) of the iMessage user.
    displayname_template: "{{.}} (iMessage)"
    # Should the bridge create a space and add bridged rooms to it?
    personal_filtering_spaces: false
{% endraw %}
    # Whether or not the bridge should send a read receipt from the bridge bot when a message has been
    # sent to iMessage.
    delivery_receipts: false
    # Whether or not the bridge should send the message status as a custom
    # com.beeper.message_send_status event.
    message_status_events: true
    # Whether or not the bridge should send error notices via m.notice events
    # when a message fails to bridge.
    send_error_notices: true
    # The maximum number of seconds between the message arriving at the
    # homeserver and the bridge attempting to send the message. This can help
    # prevent messages from being bridged a long time after arriving at the
    # homeserver which could cause confusion in the chat history on the remote
    # network. Set to 0 to disable.
    max_handle_seconds: 0
    # Device ID to include in m.bridge data, read by client-integrated Android SMS.
    # Not relevant for standalone bridges nor iMessage.
    device_id: null
    # Whether or not to sync with custom puppets to receive EDUs that are not normally sent to appservices.
    sync_with_custom_puppets: false
    # Whether or not to update the m.direct account data event when double puppeting is enabled.
    # Note that updating the m.direct event is not atomic (except with mautrix-asmux)
    # and is therefore prone to race conditions.
    sync_direct_chat_list: false
    # Shared secret for https://github.com/devture/matrix-synapse-shared-secret-auth
    # If set, double puppeting will be enabled automatically instead of the user
    # having to find an access token and run `login-matrix` manually.
    login_shared_secret: null
    # Homeserver URL for the double puppet. If null, will use the URL set in homeserver -> address
    double_puppet_server_url: null
    # Backfill settings
        # Should backfilling be enabled at all?
        enable: true
        # Maximum number of messages to backfill for new portal rooms.
        initial_limit: 100
        # Maximum age of chats to sync in days.
        initial_sync_max_age: 0.5
        # If a backfilled chat is older than this number of hours, mark it as read even if it's unread on iMessage.
        # Set to -1 to let any chat be unread.
        unread_hours_threshold: 720

        # The settings below are only applicable if you are:                    #
        #                                                                       #
        # 1. Using batch sending, which is no longer supported in Synapse.      #
        # 2. Running the bridge in backfill-only mode connecting to another     #
        #    instance for portal creation via websocket commands.               #
        #                                                                       #
        # In other words, unless you are Beeper, the rest of the backfill       #
        # section very likely does not apply to you.                            #
        # Is this bridge only meant for backfilling chats?
        only_backfill: false

        # Settings for immediate backfills. These backfills should generally be small and their main purpose is
        # to populate each of the initial chats (as configured by max_initial_conversations) with a few messages
        # so that you can continue conversations without losing context.
            # The maximum number of events to backfill initially.
            max_events: 25
        # Settings for deferred backfills. The purpose of these backfills are to fill in the rest of
        # the chat history that was not covered by the immediate backfills.
        # These backfills generally should happen at a slower pace so as not to overload the homeserver.
        # Each deferred backfill config should define a "stage" of backfill (i.e. the last week of messages).
        # The fields are as follows:
        # - start_days_ago: the number of days ago to start backfilling from.
        #     To indicate the start of time, use -1. For example, for a week ago, use 7.
        # - max_batch_events: the number of events to send per batch.
        # - batch_delay: the number of seconds to wait before backfilling each batch.
            # Last Week
            - start_days_ago: 7
              max_batch_events: 50
              batch_delay: 5
            # Last Month
            - start_days_ago: 30
              max_batch_events: 100
              batch_delay: 10
            # Last 3 months
            - start_days_ago: 90
              max_batch_events: 250
              batch_delay: 10
            # The start of time
            - start_days_ago: -1
              max_batch_events: 500
              batch_delay: 10

    # Whether or not the bridge should periodically resync chat and contact info.
    periodic_sync: true
    # Should the bridge look through joined rooms to find existing portals if the database has none?
    # This can be used to recover from bridge database loss.
    find_portals_if_db_empty: false
    # Media viewer settings. See https://gitlab.com/beeper/media-viewer for more info.
    # Used to send media viewer links instead of full files for attachments that are too big for MMS.
        # The address to the media viewer. If null, media viewer links will not be used.
        url: null
        # The homeserver domain to pass to the media viewer to use for downloading media.
        # If null, will use the server name configured in the homeserver section.
        homeserver: null
        # The minimum number of bytes in a file before the bridge switches to using the media viewer when sending MMS.
        # Note that for unencrypted files, this will use a direct link to the homeserver rather than the media viewer.
        sms_min_size: 409600
        # Same as above, but for iMessages.
        imessage_min_size: 52428800
        # Template text when inserting media viewer URLs.
        # %s is replaced with the actual URL.
        template: "Full size attachment: %s"
    # Should we convert heif images to jpeg before re-uploading? This increases
    # compatibility, but adds generation loss (reduces quality).
    convert_heif: true
    # Should we convert tiff images to jpeg before re-uploading? This increases
    # compatibility, but adds generation loss (reduces quality).
    convert_tiff: true
    # Modern Apple devices tend to use h265 encoding for video, which is a licensed standard and therefore not
    # supported by most major browsers. If enabled, all video attachments will be converted according to the
    # ffmpeg args.
        enabled: false
        # Convert to h264 format (supported by all major browsers) at decent quality while retaining original
        # audio. Modify these args to do whatever encoding/quality you want.
        ffmpeg_args: ["-c:v", "libx264", "-preset", "faster", "-crf", "22", "-c:a", "copy"]
        extension: "mp4"
        mime_type: "video/mp4"
    # The prefix for commands.
    command_prefix: "!im"
    # Should we rewrite the sender in a DM to match the chat GUID?
    # This is helpful when the sender ID shifts depending on the device they use, since
    # the bridge is unable to add participants to the chat post-creation.
    force_uniform_dm_senders: true
    # Should SMS chats always be in the same room as iMessage chats with the same phone number?
    disable_sms_portals: false
    # iMessage has weird IDs for group chats, so getting all messages in the same MMS group chat into the same Matrix room
    # may require rerouting some messages based on the fake ReplyToGUID that iMessage adds.
    reroute_mms_group_replies: false
    # Whether or not created rooms should have federation enabled.
    # If false, created portal rooms will never be federated.
    federate_rooms: true
    # Send captions in the same message as images using MSC2530?
    # This is currently not supported in most clients.
    caption_in_message: false
    # Whether to explicitly set the avatar and room name for private chat portal rooms.
    # If set to `default`, this will be enabled in encrypted rooms and disabled in unencrypted rooms.
    # If set to `always`, all DM rooms will have explicit names and avatars set.
    # If set to `never`, DM rooms will never have names and avatars set.
    private_chat_portal_meta: default

    # End-to-bridge encryption support options.
    # See https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/general/end-to-bridge-encryption.html
        # Allow encryption, work in group chat rooms with e2ee enabled
        allow: false
        # Default to encryption, force-enable encryption in all portals the bridge creates
        # This will cause the bridge bot to be in private chats for the encryption to work properly.
        default: false
        # Whether or not to use MSC2409/MSC3202 instead of /sync long polling for receiving encryption-related data.
        appservice: false
        # Require encryption, drop any unencrypted messages.
        require: false
        # Enable key sharing? If enabled, key requests for rooms where users are in will be fulfilled.
        # You must use a client that supports requesting keys from other users to use this feature.
        allow_key_sharing: false
        # Options for deleting megolm sessions from the bridge.
            # Beeper-specific: delete outbound sessions when hungryserv confirms
            # that the user has uploaded the key to key backup.
            delete_outbound_on_ack: false
            # Don't store outbound sessions in the inbound table.
            dont_store_outbound: false
            # Ratchet megolm sessions forward after decrypting messages.
            ratchet_on_decrypt: false
            # Delete fully used keys (index >= max_messages) after decrypting messages.
            delete_fully_used_on_decrypt: false
            # Delete previous megolm sessions from same device when receiving a new one.
            delete_prev_on_new_session: false
            # Delete megolm sessions received from a device when the device is deleted.
            delete_on_device_delete: false
            # Periodically delete megolm sessions when 2x max_age has passed since receiving the session.
            periodically_delete_expired: false
        # What level of device verification should be required from users?
        # Valid levels:
        #   unverified - Send keys to all device in the room.
        #   cross-signed-untrusted - Require valid cross-signing, but trust all cross-signing keys.
        #   cross-signed-tofu - Require valid cross-signing, trust cross-signing keys on first use (and reject changes).
        #   cross-signed-verified - Require valid cross-signing, plus a valid user signature from the bridge bot.
        #                           Note that creating user signatures from the bridge bot is not currently possible.
        #   verified - Require manual per-device verification
        #              (currently only possible by modifying the `trust` column in the `crypto_device` database table).
            # Minimum level for which the bridge should send keys to when bridging messages from WhatsApp to Matrix.
            receive: unverified
            # Minimum level that the bridge should accept for incoming Matrix messages.
            send: unverified
            # Minimum level that the bridge should require for accepting key requests.
            share: cross-signed-tofu
        # Options for Megolm room key rotation. These options allow you to
        # configure the m.room.encryption event content. See:
        # https://spec.matrix.org/v1.3/client-server-api/#mroomencryption for
        # more information about that event.
            # Enable custom Megolm room key rotation settings. Note that these
            # settings will only apply to rooms created after this option is
            # set.
            enable_custom: false
            # The maximum number of milliseconds a session should be used
            # before changing it. The Matrix spec recommends 604800000 (a week)
            # as the default.
            milliseconds: 604800000
            # The maximum number of messages that should be sent with a given a
            # session before changing it. The Matrix spec recommends 100 as the
            # default.
            messages: 100

            # Disable rotating keys when a user's devices change?
            # You should not enable this option unless you understand all the implications.
            disable_device_change_key_rotation: false
{% raw %}
    # Settings for relay mode
        # Whether relay mode should be allowed.
        enabled: false
        # A list of user IDs and server names who are allowed to be relayed through this bridge. Use * to allow everyone.
        whitelist: []
        # The formats to use when relaying messages to iMessage.
            m.text: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }}: {{ .Message }}"
            m.notice: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }}: {{ .Message }}"
            m.emote: "* {{ .Sender.Displayname }} {{ .Message }}"
            m.file: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }} sent a file: {{ .FileName }}"
            m.image: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }} sent an image: {{ .FileName }}"
            m.audio: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }} sent an audio file: {{ .FileName }}"
            m.video: "{{ .Sender.Displayname }} sent a video: {{ .FileName }}"
{% endraw %}

# Logging config. See https://github.com/tulir/zeroconfig for details.
    min_level: debug
    - type: stdout
      format: pretty-colored
    - type: file
      format: json
      filename: ./logs/mautrix-imessage.log
      max_size: 100
      max_backups: 10
      compress: true

# This may be used by external config managers. mautrix-imessage does not read it, but will carry it across configuration migrations.
revision: 0