services: # @todo Test which containers can be removed crom cental_database networks {% include 'roles/docker-central-database/templates/services/' + database_type + '.yml.j2' %} {% include 'templates/docker/services/redis.yml.j2' %} celeryworker: # Celery workers handle background tasks (such file imports or federation # messaging). The more processes a worker gets, the more tasks # can be processed in parallel. However, more processes also means # a bigger memory footprint. # By default, a worker will span a number of process equal to your number # of CPUs. You can adjust this, by explicitly setting the --concurrency # flag: # celery -A funkwhale_api.taskapp worker -l INFO --concurrency=4 {% include 'roles/docker-compose/templates/services/base.yml.j2' %} image: funkwhale/api:{{applications.funkwhale.version}} command: celery -A funkwhale_api.taskapp worker -l INFO --concurrency={{celeryd_concurrency}} environment: - C_FORCE_ROOT=true volumes: - "data:{{media_root}}" - "music:{{music_directory_path}}:ro" {% include 'templates/docker/container/depends-on-database-redis.yml.j2' %} {% include 'templates/docker/container/networks.yml.j2' %} celerybeat: {% include 'roles/docker-compose/templates/services/base.yml.j2' %} image: funkwhale/api:{{applications.funkwhale.version}} command: celery -A funkwhale_api.taskapp beat --pidfile= -l INFO {% include 'templates/docker/container/depends-on-database-redis.yml.j2' %} {% include 'templates/docker/container/networks.yml.j2' %} api: {% include 'roles/docker-compose/templates/services/base.yml.j2' %} image: funkwhale/api:{{applications.funkwhale.version}} volumes: - "music:{{music_directory_path}}:ro" - "data:{{media_root}}" - "static_root:{{static_root}}" ports: - "5000" # Exposes API just in local docker network to be used by front container {% include 'templates/docker/container/depends-on-database-redis.yml.j2' %} {% include 'templates/docker/container/networks.yml.j2' %} front: {% include 'roles/docker-compose/templates/services/base.yml.j2' %} image: funkwhale/front:{{applications.funkwhale.version}} depends_on: - api environment: # Override those variables in your .env file if needed - "NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE=100M" volumes: - "data:{{media_root}}:ro" #- "{{static_root}}:{{static_root}}:ro" ports: # override those variables in your .env file if needed - "{{ports.localhost.http[application_id]}}:80" typesense: {% include 'roles/docker-compose/templates/services/base.yml.j2' %} image: typesense/typesense:0.24.0 volumes: - ./typesense/data:/data command: --data-dir /data --enable-cors profiles: - typesense {% include 'templates/docker/compose/volumes.yml.j2' %} data: static_root: redis: music: {% include 'templates/docker/compose/networks.yml.j2' %}