# README.md for Docker OpenProject Role ## Overview This role is designed to deploy the OpenProject application using Docker. It includes tasks for setting up the environment, pulling the Docker repository, and configuring a reverse proxy with Nginx. ## Requirements - Ansible - Docker - Docker Compose - Access to the GitHub repository "opf/openproject-deploy" ## Role Variables The role uses several variables, defined in `vars/main.yml`: - `repository_directory`: The directory for the OpenProject repository. - `docker_compose.directories.instance`: Directory for Docker Compose instances. ## Handlers Defined in `handlers/main.yml`, the handler `recreate openproject` is used for recreating the OpenProject instance with specific environment settings. ## Tasks Outlined in `tasks/main.yml`, the role includes tasks for: - Including Nginx Docker proxy domain tasks. - Creating the repository directory. - Pulling the OpenProject Docker repository. - Warning if the repository is not reachable. - Copying the `.env` file from a template. ## Templates `env.j2` in `templates/` folder is a Jinja2 template for the `.env` file, setting up environment variables for the OpenProject container. ## Dependencies This role depends on `nginx-docker-reverse-proxy`, as defined in `meta/main.yml`. ## Usage To use this role, include it in your Ansible playbook and set the necessary variables, especially those required in the `.env` file template. ## Notes Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed and configured correctly on the target machine. Also, ensure that the necessary ports are open and accessible.