import argparse import subprocess import time import os from datetime import datetime def parse_time_to_seconds(time_str): """Convert time string to seconds.""" units = {"s": 1, "min": 60, "h": 3600} if time_str[-3:] in units: number, unit = time_str[:-3], time_str[-3:] elif time_str[-2:] in units: number, unit = time_str[:-2], time_str[-2:] elif time_str[-1:] in units: number, unit = time_str[:-1], time_str[-1:] else: raise ValueError("Invalid time unit") return int(number) * units[unit] def service_file_exists(service_name, service_type="service"): """Check if a systemd service file exists.""" # Paths where service files can be stored path = "/etc/systemd/system/" service_file_name = service_name + "." + service_type full_path = os.path.join(path, service_file_name) print(f"Checking {full_path}") # Added debug output if os.path.isfile(full_path): return True else: print(f"File not found.") # Debug output if file is not found def check_service_active(service_name): """Check if a service is active or activating.""" result =['systemctl', 'is-active', service_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) service_status = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() return_value=service_status in ['active', 'activating'] if return_value: print(f"Service {service_name} is active."); else: print(f"Service {service_name} is not active."); return return_value def check_any_service_active(services): """Check if any service in the list is active or activating.""" for service_name in services: if check_service_active(service_name): return True return False def stop_timer(service): # Stop and disable the corresponding timer, if it exists if service_file_exists(service,"timer"): timer_name = service + ".timer"['systemctl', 'stop', timer_name])['systemctl', 'disable', timer_name]) print(f"{timer_name} stopped and disabled.") else: print(f"No timer to stop.") def filter_services(services, ignored_services): """ Removes all services from the 'services' list that are contained in 'ignored_services'. :param services: List of services. :param ignored_services: List of services to be ignored. :return: Filtered list of services. """ return [service for service in services if service not in ignored_services] def stop_all_timers(services): for service in services: stop_timer(service) def wait_for_all_services_to_stop(filtered_services,max_attempts,attempt,break_time_sec): for service in filtered_services: while check_service_active(service): attempt += 1 if attempt > max_attempts: raise Exception(f"Error: Maximum attempts ({max_attempts}) reached. Exit.") print(f"{}#{attempt}/{max_attempts}: Waiting for {break_time_sec} seconds for {service} to stop...") time.sleep(break_time_sec) return attempt def freeze(filtered_services,timeout_sec): break_time_sec=5 attempt=0 max_attempts=timeout_sec/break_time_sec # This guaranties that no service will be started in the between time while check_any_service_active(filtered_services): stop_all_timers(filtered_services) attempt=wait_for_all_services_to_stop(filtered_services,max_attempts,attempt,break_time_sec) print("\nAll required services have stopped.") def defrost(filtered_services): for service in filtered_services: print(f"\nUnfreezing: {service}") if service_file_exists(service,"timer"): # Start and enable the corresponding timer, if it exists timer_name = service + ".timer"['systemctl', 'start', timer_name])['systemctl', 'enable', timer_name]) print(f"{timer_name} started and enabled.") else: print(f"No timer to activate.") print("\nAll required services are started.") def main(services, ignored_services, action, timeout_sec): filtered_services=filter_services(services, ignored_services) print(f"Services to handle : {services}") print(f"Services to ignore : {ignored_services}") print(f"Services filtered : {filtered_services}") if action == 'freeze': print("Freezing services."); freeze(filtered_services, timeout_sec) elif action == 'defrost': print("Unfreezing services."); defrost(filtered_services) print('\nOverview:')['systemctl', 'list-timers']) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='freezes and defrost systemctl services and timers') parser.add_argument('action', choices=['freeze', 'defrost'], help='Action to perform: freeze or defrost services.') parser.add_argument('services', nargs='+', help='List of services to apply the action to') parser.add_argument('--ignore', nargs='*', help='List of services to ignore in the action', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='Timeout for freezing services (e.g., 1h, 30min, 45s)', default='1h') args = parser.parse_args() services = ignored_services = args.ignore if args.ignore else [] timeout_seconds = parse_time_to_seconds(args.timeout) main(services, ignored_services, args.action, timeout_seconds)