import os import requests import sys # Define the path to the nginx configuration directory config_path = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/' # Initialize the error counter error_counter = 0 # Iterate over each file in the configuration directory for filename in os.listdir(config_path): if filename.endswith('.conf'): # Extract the domain and subdomain from the filename name = filename.replace('.conf', '') parts = name.split('.') # Prepare the URL and expected status codes url = f"http://{name}" # Determine expected status codes based on subdomain if parts[0] == 'www': expected_statuses = [301] elif parts[0] == 's': expected_statuses = [403] else: # For domain.tld where no specific subdomain is present expected_statuses = [200, 301] try: # Send a HEAD request to get only the response header response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True) # Check if the status code matches the expected statuses if response.status_code in expected_statuses: print(f"{name}: ok") else: print(f"{name}: error") error_counter += 1 except requests.RequestException as e: # Handle exceptions for requests like connection errors print(f"{name}: error due to {e}") error_counter += 1 # Exit the script with the number of errors as the exit code sys.exit(error_counter)