# Docker PhpMyAdmin Role Welcome to the **Docker PhpMyAdmin Role**! 🎉 This role simplifies the deployment of PhpMyAdmin in a Docker environment, including optional OAuth2 proxy support for enhanced security. ## Features ✨ - 🚀 **Automated Deployment:** Effortlessly deploy PhpMyAdmin with Docker Compose. - 🔐 **OAuth2 Proxy Support:** Secure access with OAuth2 authentication. - 🛠️ **Configurable Settings:** Fully customizable via Ansible variables. - 🌐 **Support for Central Databases:** Seamlessly integrates with a central MariaDB database. - 🐳 **Docker Compose Integration:** Generates `docker-compose.yml` tailored to your environment. ## Learn More 📖 - Official PhpMyAdmin Website: [https://www.phpmyadmin.net/](https://www.phpmyadmin.net/) ## Contributing 🤝 Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, submit issues, or create pull requests to improve this role. --- Made with ❤️ by [Kevin Veen-Birkenbach](https://www.veen.world).