#!/bin/bash # @author Kevin Veen-Birkenbach # @param $1 Working directory # @param $2 language # @param $3 mode (update,initialize) # shellcheck disable=SC2144 # Deactivate wrong error message # sudo pacman -Syyu tesseract-data-deu tesseract-data-en tesseract if [ -z "$2" ] then echo "You need to define an working directory and a language" && exit 1; fi if [ -z "$3" ] then MODE="initialize" else if [ "$3" != "update" ] then echo "Unknown option: $3" && exit 1 fi MODE="$3" fi TMP_FOLDER="$(mktemp -d)/" && ORIGIN_FOLDER="$1/origin/" && OUTPUT_FOLDER="$1/generated/" || exit 1 if [ "$MODE" = "update" ]; then echo "Updating bills..." else if [ "$(ls -A "$TMP_FOLDER")" ] then echo "Cleaning up $OUTPUT_FOLDER..." rm -v "$OUTPUT_FOLDER"* || exit 1; else echo "$OUTPUT_FOLDER is allready cleaned up!" fi fi for origin_file in "$ORIGIN_FOLDER"*.*; do if [ "$MODE" = "update" ] && [ ! -f "$OUTPUT_FOLDER$(basename "$origin_file")"* ] || [ "$MODE" = "initialize" ]; then if [ "$(head -c 4 "$origin_file")" = "%PDF" ]; then tmp_file="$TMP_FOLDER$(basename "$origin_file")" echo "Generating $tmp_file..." pdfimages "$origin_file" "$tmp_file" else cp -v "$origin_file" "$TMP_FOLDER" fi else echo "Skipped $origin_file..." fi done if [ "$(ls -A "$TMP_FOLDER")" ] then for tesseract_input_file in "$TMP_FOLDER"*.*; do txt_output_file_without_suffix="$OUTPUT_FOLDER$(basename "$tesseract_input_file")"; echo "Generating $txt_output_file_without_suffix.txt..." tesseract -l "$2" "$tesseract_input_file" "$txt_output_file_without_suffix"; echo "file content:" cat "$txt_output_file_without_suffix.txt" done else echo "Skipped text generation because $TMP_FOLDER is empty..." fi