import requests import argparse import json def create_headers(api_key): """Create headers for API requests.""" return { "Authorization": f"Token {api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json" } def handle_api_response(response, verbose): """Handle API response, check for errors and decode JSON.""" if verbose: print("[INFO] Handling API response...") print("Response Status Code:", response.status_code) print("Response Headers:", response.headers) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Error: Received status code {response.status_code} from Baserow API.") print("Response content:", response.content.decode()) return None try: return response.json() except requests.RequestsJSONDecodeError: print("Error: Failed to decode the response as JSON.") return None def get_all_rows_from_table(base_url, api_key, table_id, verbose): if verbose: print(f"[INFO] Fetching all rows from table with ID: {table_id}...") headers = create_headers(api_key) rows = [] next_url = f"{base_url}database/rows/table/{table_id}/" while next_url: response = requests.get(next_url, headers=headers) if verbose: print("Headers:", headers) print("Requesting:", next_url) data = handle_api_response(response, verbose) if not data: break rows.extend(data['results']) next_url = data['next'] return rows def get_all_tables_from_database(base_url, api_key, database_id, verbose): if verbose: print(f"[INFO] Fetching all tables from database with ID: {database_id}...") headers = create_headers(api_key) response = requests.get(f"{base_url}database/tables/database/{database_id}/", headers=headers) if verbose: print("Headers:", headers) return handle_api_response(response, verbose) or [] def get_all_data_from_database(base_url, api_key, database_id, verbose): if verbose: print(f"[INFO] Fetching all data from database with ID: {database_id}...") tables = get_all_tables_from_database(base_url, api_key, database_id, verbose) data = {} for table in tables: table_id = table['id'] table_name = table['name'] data[table_name] = get_all_rows_from_table(base_url, api_key, table_id, verbose) return data def merge_tables_on_reference(tables_data): """ Merge tables based on references. Assumes that a reference from one table to another is represented by a field in the dictionary that has the same name as the referenced table and contains the ID of the referenced row. """ # Create a mapping of table names to their rows indexed by ID indexed_data = {table_name: {row['id']: row for row in rows} for table_name, rows in tables_data.items()} # Embed referenced data into tables for table_name, rows in tables_data.items(): for row in rows: for field_name, value in row.items(): # Check if the field name matches another table name (i.e., it's a reference) if field_name in indexed_data and value in indexed_data[field_name]: # Embed the referenced row data under the reference field row[field_name] = indexed_data[field_name][value] return tables_data if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch all data from a Baserow database.") parser.add_argument("base_url", help="Base URL of your Baserow instance, e.g., https://YOUR_BASEROW_INSTANCE_URL/api/") parser.add_argument("api_key", help="Your Baserow API key.") parser.add_argument("--database_id", help="ID of the Baserow database you want to fetch data from.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--table_ids", help="IDs of the Baserow tables you want to fetch data from, separated by commas.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--matrix", action="store_true", help="Merge tables based on references.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose mode for debugging.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.database_id and not args.table_ids: print("Error: Either database_id or table_ids must be provided.") exit(1) if args.table_ids: table_ids = args.table_ids.split(',') tables_data = {} for table_id in table_ids: table_data = get_all_rows_from_table(args.base_url, args.api_key, table_id.strip(), args.verbose) tables_data[table_id] = table_data if args.matrix: merged_data = merge_tables_on_reference(tables_data) print(json.dumps(merged_data, indent=4)) else: print(json.dumps(tables_data, indent=4)) else: all_data = get_all_data_from_database(args.base_url, args.api_key, args.database_id, args.verbose) print(json.dumps(all_data, indent=4))